Tooth Fairy Traditions From Around the World

  Last time dental implants Baton Rouge, LA provider Dr. Barksdale and the rest of his staff posted an article we talked about how fitting more seafood and fish into your regular diet could help improve your oral health. However today we want to talk about one legend that adults don’t really get to participate […]

Healthy Seafood is Saving Smiles

  Last time we talked about the various reason you should stay away from soda. Today, dental implants Baton Rouge, LA provider Dr. Barksdale and the rest of his staff want to branch off of this food related topic, but spin it around. We want to tell you why you should start eating more of […]

Three Reasons to Stay Away from Soda

  Did you know that the erosive properties of soda is ten times higher than fruit juices in the first few minutes of drinking it? You may want to rethink what beverages you’re consuming to cool down this summer. Although sodas may be refreshing and convenient to buy because it is sold everywhere, the damage […]

The Inside Out Emotions of Teeth

  Dental Implants Baton Rouge LA dentist Dr. Barksdale wants to share his insight on the new Pixar movie Inside Out. This movie was an animated perception of the human emotions and how they work on a regular basis. In the movie, Pixar went as far as giving the characters personalities that embodied their emotions […]

Top 4 Dental Implant Facts

  1. Prevention of Gum Disease Dental implants have the ability to prevent patients from developing harmful and dangerous diseases in the gums with their non- decay, biocompatible material that fuses naturally into the patient’s jawbone. Patients do not understand how awful spaces in the gums can be; unhealthy and irritated gum tissue that is […]

Dental Implants Support USA Women’s Soccer

  Dental Implants Baton Rouge LA dentist Dr. Barksdale wants to show his support for the USA Women’s Soccer team as they approach the World Cup Finals this Sunday, while explaining why dental implants are a great solution for missing teeth as opposed to porcelain veneers. As we find ourselves in the same position as […]

Baton Rouge Dental Implant Cost

  In order for patients to qualify for successful dental implants, they must possess an adequate strength and structure of tissue in the jawbone and gum region. Unfortunately for us, there are so many factors that hinder our ability to receive these successfully, however, Dr. Barksdale offers supplementary procedures that drastically increase patients chances for […]

Implant Dentist Baton Rouge

  Dental Implants Baton Rouge, LA dentist Dr. Barksdale found a silly dental implant link that he wants to share with patients, along with the importance of properly maintaining dental implants. Something fun and silly that we ran across, as fans of rugby, was dental implants with formed bottle opener crown tops. This, of course […]

The Edible Guide to Dental Implant Recovery

  Dental Implants Baton Rouge, LA dentist Dr. Barksdale wants to share the proper diet patients should enjoy after a dental implantation procedure. Although there is about a 95-98% success rate for dental implants, if patients decide to eat or drink the wrong substance, this could ruin dental implant integration. Patients must take responsibility for […]

Dental Implants Defy Bone Deficiency

  Dr. Barksdale is here blogging today to sympathize with patients that suffer from osteoporosis and offer supplemental procedures that will allow them to qualify for dental implantation in the future. Osteoporosis is a horrible disease that doesn’t allow new bone growth in place of old and damaged bones and causes the bones to weaken […]