
How Smoking Can Impact Dental Implants


Millions of patients have benefited from the superior look, feel and function of dental implants. Additionally, the wonderful wellness characteristics have helped many patients regain oral and overall health. Yes, dental implants are permanent and strong, but their many benefits can easily be erased by a few unhealthy habits. Smoking is one nasty habit that can risk your chance of dental implant success.

The Dangers Of Cigarettes

Through the years, numerous studies, lawsuits and articles have shown definitive proof that cigarette smoking causes dangerous problems. These seemingly harmless little tobacco sticks may seem innocent, but can cause issues like periodontal disease, peri-implantitis, bone and tissue loss, edentulism (loss of one or more teeth) and complete dental implant failure. Here are additional reasons that cigarettes are so dangerous to your oral health:

1) Cigarettes cause pH balance problems.
Nicotine, one of the main ingredients in tobacco, decreases blood flow to the mouth. Consequently, unhealthy tissues develop in and around the gums, teeth and other oral tissues. Smoking also prevents proper healing that is necessary after dental implant treatment.

2) Smoking increases the risk of periodontal disease.
Periodontitis is a painful oral condition that can cause tissues around the gums to swell, bleed and be sensitive. Unfortunately, research shows that cigarette smoking causes a significantly higher risk of periodontitis. Smokers are over three times more likely to develop this problem, along more severe forms of periodontal disease.

3) Smoking causes tooth loss.
Edentulism (otherwise known as tooth loss) can also be a major problems encountered by smokers. What this means is that if you smoke, you will likely lose more teeth and have more issues with root stability around teeth. These patients are often the first to need the benefits of dental implants. As such, smoking should be strictly avoided if you would like to obtain dental implants and ensure they are successful in the long term.

4) Smoking causes loss of oral tissues.
There is a direct link between oral tissue loss and smoking. Consequently, smokers usually have more problems with dental implants. For this reason, many dentists do not recommend dental implants for smokers. Smoking can also cause measurable bone loss over time, so it can prevent dental implants from healing properly.

5) Smoking increases that chances of peri-implantitis.
Per-Implantitis happens when mucosal pockets and inflammation form around dental implants. Smokers have a higher risk of developing peri-implantitis, as well as more severe cases of peri-implantitis. If left untreated, peri-implantitis can lead to implant failure.

6) Smoking increases the risk of dental implant failure
Recent studies show that smoking can cause increased chances of dental implant failure. This can mean costly procedures in the future to fix the problems, reinsert fixtures or removal implants altogether.

Can I Get Dental Implants If I Smoke?

It is possible to get dental implants if you smoke. However, there is an increased risk of problems and implant failure for those who smoke. The bottom line is that your chance of dental implant success will be much better if you quit smoking.

Barksdale Family Dentistry Can Help With All Your Dental Needs Today

Most doctors will tell you that if you smoke, there is a significant risk to your dental implants. However, if you are ready to quit, dental implants could be the perfect tooth replacement solution for your needs! With a nearly 95% success rate, dental implants are permanent, easy to maintain and natural-looking. Still unsure about the process, the benefits or financing options for dental implants? Please feel free to peruse the rest of our informative dental implant website. Then, when you are ready, call our Baton Rouge, LA office for a no-obligation consultation. We can’t wait to help you get started restoring a beautiful smile with dental implants today!

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